Investment Approach

Asia Capital Pioneers Group aims to realise the full potential of the companies and assets that we invest in for the benefit of our clients. This is both an art and a science and requires an experienced team to design a strategy suitable to meet the long-term goals of each client. While the investment environment may be increasingly volatile, we maintain a core set of approaches and beliefs that guide our investment allocation process.



At the core of every good idea is an individual who cares deeply about it. Our investment approach begins by seeking out good ideas led by passion, persistence, and focus. We do this by investing in relationships with talented founders of companies with strong potential, to invest in them and their ideas. In addition, we adopt an inclusive and open negotiating approach to maximise returns for clients while maintaining key financier relationships. Over time, this had proven to deliver favourable outcomes with a medium to long-term view.


Best-of-Breed Investment Managers

Our clients don’t just want great investments – they want the confidence that comes from knowing that every aspect of their finances and wealth is handled responsibly. Our team members have strong credit backgrounds and are carefully selected based on their aptitude and drive for excellence. Each team member has over 20 years of personal experience in financial markets and brings a wealth of sector-specific experience. Thus, we have the passion, expertise, and networks necessary to provide solid insights for your investment management.


Value Investing

Asia Capital Pioneers Group (ACPG) actively monitors and picks out investments with strong fundamentals and potential. Through our in-depth analyses and connections, we outperform market returns by being long-term investors in quality companies.  Our track record over the past 10 years has been exceptional, with proven value-add to our clients and their families.


Tailored Investments

ACPG believes that each investor has unique characteristics which affect his or her tolerance for risk – therefore, we utilize our vast knowledge base to determine the most appropriate asset mix for each individual client account. We can create a bespoke portfolio that is uniquely yours and take into consideration any particular investing preferences, needs and budget that you may have. This is undergirded by our belief that no two assignments are the same. As a result, our clients have found our solutions to be comprehensive, flexible and cost-effective.